Calibrated Peer Review Logo

Winter 2003 Update
Web-based writing and peer review logo


New Features

Student Interface - Assignment announcements now appear in red in the information window.

Students may now view their own text in a popup window by using the link on the Results page.

All Finished Assignments - It is now possible to view and download the overall score for all completed assignments in a course. The link is available on the Assignment List page.

Multiple Choice Question - There is now a third answer set (A, B, or C) available when creating or editing a question. The author must define these choices in the student instructions section.

Try Assignment - This tool is only available at the top of the authoring tools page. It was previously called Student View.

When authoring, use this tool to test your finished assignment. You are a class of one! The default word limit is set for 10-500 words. There are no reviews, but you can try out your calibrations. Click the "Restart Trial" button to view your latest changes.

Update Assignment - This tool is now a separate tool on the Activation Info page. You can update your class's assignment to reflect any changes made to the library assignment. Updating this assignment will replace the current class assignment with a new copy of the library assignment.

Note: If your assignment is currently in the calibration stage, or if any students have started calibrations, CPR will only partially update your assignment. Only the source material and instructions will be updated. CPR will not update the calibrations, calibration questions, or calibration answer keys.

For Administrators

Edit/Delete User Tool - This tool has been updated. The tour and pretest can now be reset for a student.

Please Report Bugs

E-mail your reports to Tim at

Instructor Resources



Summer 2002 Update

New Features

Student Interface - Assignment information and source material now always appears in the browser's main window. Previously this information would sometimes appear in a popup window.

Account Information - All account information for administrator, instructor, and student accounts has been transfered to a SQL database. While you will not see any visual signs of this, CPR will run more efficiently.

Scoring - Self-assessment has an added scoring criterion. You can now set a deviation for half-credit and a deviation for full-credit. (Thanks to Marty Perry for this suggestion.)

Scoring Templates - The preset templates now display the percentage needed to master the calibrations (for both content and style questions). If these settings do not fit well with your chosen assignment, use the Custom Scoring Template tool. Previously saved custom templates can now be deleted.

Review Pools - The mechanism by which review pools are created has been redesigned. It is now possible to run a CPR assignment with as few as four students. It is no longer possible for students to be assigned the same text twice (or to be assigned their own text) to review. We have removed the tools that allow the instructor to view the pool.

Student View - This is not the "Access as a Student" tool. This tool is available in two places: at the top of authoring tools page and on the status page of an in-progress assignment.

When authoring, use this tool to test your finished assignment. You are a class of one! There are no reviews, but you can try out your calibrations. Click the "Restart" button to view your latest changes.

When monitoring an assignment, use this tool to see the assignment data that you have given to your students. Again, you are a class of one! (Remember, CPR copies the assignment data from your personal directory or the library to use in a course.)

Student Progress - This tool is a link in the gray area across the top of the page while an assignment is in progress. When an assignment is completed, you can find this information by using the Student Progress button on the Tools page.

Color coded cells under the "Overall" status column:
Red = Not Started
Orange = Not Finished
White = Finished
(Thanks to David Licata for this suggestion.)

Library Limited Preview - The resource links in the limited preview of the server library now work correctly.

For Administrators

Edit/Delete User Tool - This tool has been updated. Profile information now includes whether the user's account has access to the instructor level (authoring tools and courses).

Correction of old terminology - We have changed all occurrences of "CPR ID" to "CPR username."

Manage Course Enrollment - Administrators can now download classlists. This tool is the same as the tool that instructors use.

Please Report Bugs

E-mail your reports to Tim at