HTML Tutor

Important: HTML uses the "less than" (<) and "greater than" (>) symbols to bracket codes. These codes are interpreted by the computer for formatting and layout, but they are not displayed in the final text or counted as words in the word count.

If you use the "less than" (<) sign in particular, the program will interpret everything that follows it (until there is a closing "greater than" (>) symbol) as part of a code instead of part of your text. Therefore, you should NOT use these symbols in your text UNLESS you are using them as part of an HTML code as shown below.


To enter a subscript in a formula like H2O, you must type this:



To enter a superscript in a formula like Fe+2, you must type this:



To make a paragraph, type this:

 <P> (insert body of paragraph) </P> 

Line Returns

To make a line return, type this:
